"Helping you move your career to the next level."

"Choice, not circumstances, determines your success."  








Why use Denise Hasty Associates to help you find the right position?


Many companies use recruiting firms as their sole method of employee recruitment. Those positions are never advertised.


♦ We match your unique needs and goals with the right company

 to ensure the best fit. 


♦ For candidates currently employed, but seeking new opportunities, a recruiter can confidentially screen positions for you. Why waste your down time reading ads online?


♦ A professional will help you with current resume advice and interview techniques.


♦ A professional represents your qualifications to the company.


♦ A professional will negotiate your compensation package.


It is our aim to ensure that you are presented with strategic opportunities, the type of positions that will move your career to the next level of responsibility and salary potential. 

We will work closely with you throughout the process and strive to ensure that the opportunity presented to you will meet the needs of you and your family.

The services we can offer you as a Candidate:

Career Development and Advice


You will be interviewed in confidence, and given advice on what best suits your your next career move based on skill levels, personality and motivations.  We have the experience and knowledge to advise you on the current market conditions and what is realistic and achievable.

Resume' and Interview Preparation

We will coach you on how to present yourself and your resume', and will provide thorough briefings pre and post interview.  We are concerned with ensuring that you and our client companies benefit from this two-way process.

Salary and Package Negotiations

This can be a sensitive area where we can act as a third party buffer between you and the client to make sure we reach a successful conclusion on your behalf.




We can help you improve your skills and develop new ones.


Resignation and Post Placement Counseling

The resignation and post placement counseling ensures that you are fully coached and advised on how best to resign from your current organization.  This can be an extremely stressful time and is an area where you may need support and reassurance.  We guide you through this process to help you achieve a smooth transition.